Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Possible DIY projects

Hello all ! :) Recently I've been looking at some really awesome DIY projects that I would like to try and adapt. I figure this is the best way to express myself while also saving on some awesome products (broke college kid status). I've been sewing for years now and figure now is better than ever to put my skills, and sewing machine, to use.

Some of the things that I am thinking about making/and am inspired by include:

1. http://bananarepublic.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=14421&vid=1&pid=407890012 I really like this bag, and based on some research I have been doing I'd like to recreate it with faux leather. 

2. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiOFD3pvB4diTbQMrpr2ehs2VnkPiBJO2bHFRj7WDWZM70ysetC32w5XA-hFiqEQHzxYTVE7ZD3Q8wrU0aEExxzdnSd5KL6DhH2WqTwlU_EfUzVooFrEAPNYynAJgKwqUfSot38SgJCsNyU/s1600/Ripples+Waterfall+Necklace+%2528Silver%2529.jpg I WILL recreate this waterfall necklace !

 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxfd89RQFVk This clutch !

xoxo Morgan